How is Socratic Seminar relevant to your future life???
Value of reading the Canterbury Tales
Now, the question is, should Mr. Dye allow his students read the Canterbury Tales. My answer is, I don't know. Canterbury Tales was kind of boring to me and it was very hard to understand. I didn't really like how it had a little rhyming thing going on. The words used in the stories were very strange and I didn't know what the stories were about half the time. I would rather read stories that are easier to understand, like something that is more modern. I wish that school would require modern best seller books to be read at school, that would be very interesting. Anyway, that's aside from the point, for students next year, I think that Mr. Dye should have a more modern and exciting book to be read.
Music changes our personality?
I’ve heard that some scientists have done some research on how different types of music can affect plants. In their experiments, they played classical music on one plant. Then on the other they played rock music. After about two weeks, the scientists found that the plant that had classical music played to it grew more healthy and quicker than the other, which had died.
My question is, do different types of music affect humans? I have noticed that those who listen to classical music and have shunned rock music, are very smart. I have also noticed that those who listen to rock music are more unintelligent. I believe that music does affect us.
When I listen to my rock music, my adrenaline bursts and my body gets into the rhythm. But when I listen to my piano music, I get all tired and bored. But for other people, classical music is like how I view my rock music, and these people usually don't like rock music. What are your comments about this?2008年10月14日火曜日
Best quotes ever
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Global Warming
This article in the New York Post caught my attention:
On Feb. 2, 2007, the United Nations scientific panel studying climate change declared that the evidence of a warming trend is "unequivocal," and that human activity has "very likely" been the driving force in that change over the last 50 years. The last report by the group, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in 2001, had found that humanity had "likely" played a role.
Economic Down Fall
This past week was the worst of the stock market. It seemed like points would drop by three digits everyday. This first started with the large banking companies that had been greedy in their business. About two weeks ago, these few companies announced their bankruptcy. This caused global trauma and people began to loose faith in banks and in the stocks, just like in the Great Depression. With people taking money out of the banks because they don't trust the system has brought global economic down fall and might make humanity once again enter the stone ages. I think that if people stopped pulling money out of banks and stocks, the economy will recover. What do you think???
Time spent at school
At maeser school starts at 7:30 am. We have a 30 min. lunch time. Then we go home at 3:10 pm. What is this? I look at schools like PG high and i'm angry that they get to go to school later than maeser and get out earlier that maeser. Then they get like 45 min. lunch break. WHAT IS GOING ON? I'm getting sick of seing my neighboorhood buddies at home watching Seinfeld when I had just got home. Man, I wish that the board would explane the reason why this is. If i remmember right, at Maeser last year we had to make up a week that we didnt have of school at the beginning of school. By the end of the year, we found out that we had made well over a week of hours at school. What if thats happening again? I dont know. i would like your insights on this though.
A perfect society?
The best song ever made
Let's get down to business- to defeat the Huns
Did they send me daughters when I asked for sons?
You're the saddest bunch I ever met
But you can bet before we're through
Mister, I'll make a man out of you
Tranquil as a forest But on fire within
Once you find your center You are sure to win
You're a spineless, pale pathetic lot
And you haven't got a clue
Somehow I'll make a man out of you
I'm never gonna catch my breath
Say good-bye to those who knew me
Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting gym class
This guy's got 'em scared to death
Hope he doesn't see right through me
Now I really wish that I knew how to swim
[Be a man]
We must be swift as the coursing river [Be a man]
With all the force of a great typhoon [Be a man]
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
Time is racing toward us till the Huns arrive
Heed my every order and you might survive
You're unsuited for the rage of war
So pack up, go home you're through
How could I make a man out of you?
[Be a man]
We must be swift as the coursing river [Be a man]
With all the force of a great typhoon [Be a man]
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon [Be a man]
We must be swift as the coursing river [Be a man]
With all the force of a great typhoon [Be a man]
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon.
its sweet right? ya? what is your favorite song?
One good thing about Maeser
Out of Uniform Jackets?
I have a problem with the school not allowing jackets that are not Maeser. What is so bad about wearing out of uniform jackets, uh? I don't see it as a distraction at all. And i personally hate the "Maeser Jackets" because they look real ghetto. And students shouldn't have to buy a new jacket if they already have on at home. I am sure that many of the students here at Maeser would agree with me and i think that the school should allow all kinds of jackets as long as the student is wearing their uniform underneath. Ya?
Maeser Bucks?
I would like to talk about Maeser bucks. Maeser buck, i think, are a waste of ink and paper. The rewards for having Maeser bucks are not very interesting or exciting in anyway. Having lunch with Mr. K? COME ON! And i think that the amount of Maeser bucks that you need for these rewards are absolutely crazy. Like 400 Maeser bucks to have a party? Ya, so far only two of my teachers have given out Maeser bucks and i don't think that the 10th graders will have enough Maeser bucks to even get that much by the end of the year. And whats with the Maeser bucks being only like 50 cents? Ya, the school can at least make it worth a full dollar thing right? I understand that the school wants the students to begin to wear the appropriate uniform and be driven to being rewarded but, come on school board, cant you think of something more cool than Maeser bucks, and what to with the maeser bucks?
Printing Press vs. Guns
Coke and Pepsi products at school
One thing that i don't get is why doesn't Maeser sell like coke and pepsi products at school? I thought that the teachers wanted us to be awake during class not sleeping. Besides, I'm sure that the school would get loads more money from a vending machine with Coke or Pepsi in it because students really really like coke and pepsi. And if they do put in coke and pepsi i hope that they dont put the sissy diet coke and diet pepsi.
Bringing Text books Home
Everyday I bring home a ton load of text books from school. The books are so heavy that i might have to buy a new backpack because the books just might break it. I dont understand why teachers would want students to carry text books everywhere everyday. I think that the teachers at Maeser should have the students leave their books at the class room, and if there is homework from the text books, let them do that during class. I'm sure that doing this would help many of us students not losing our books to because it would be at class everyday.
Full dress on field trips?
At the beginning of the year i noticed in the Maeser handbook it says that when Maeser has any field trips it is required for the students to wear full dress uniform. I don't think that Maeser should do this and I am sure many other students agree with me. When i go on a field trip with my uniform i feel like i am out of place. Representing or not, it doesn't seem right that a school wants to make its students feel absolutely out of place.
Colored shoes at school
I don't understand why it is not aloud at Maeser to have bright colored shoes. i personally dont get distracted by shoes and why would anyone else? During class i wont be staring at someone's shoes, that would be creepy. I just dont understand why this is a rule. Why must we wear boring colors like all brown or all black, grey, or white. Why cant we inlighten our day with bright happy exciting colors like flaming red, and paradise green, and ocean blue? Please comment on this.
Tables or individual desks in the Socratic room?
In the socratic seminar room, we do not have our own individual desks. instead, we three people assigned to a table; sometimes there is an extra individual so they have to sit on the end. The tables are cramped and you feel like you are either violating someone's space or they are violating yours. I think that we should get our own individual desks because that will allow more personal room and space to work in the Socratic room.
More Sports at Maeser
I think that at maeser we should have a wider variety of sports. We should make a swimming team, a tackle football team, a tennis team, and a baseball team. These sports that i have listed i think are more important than the sports that we have now at the school. An example would be fencing. I know of no other school that does fencing. it seems really random to me that Maeser suddenly wants a fencing team when they could be fundraising for a tackle football team.
Pyramid of Abstraction
Today at socratic seminar, we learned how to do "doodle notes". i believe that doing "doodle notes" is more effective than doing normal everyday boring notes. "Doodle notes" burns an image into my head, and helps me remember what i had studied the night before more clearer than if i had done normal boring notes. Also i like the idea of letting us draw at home because its allot of fun.
The Olympic Games 2008: did china cheat?
The Beijing Olympics 2008 was one of the best games yet for most athletes who competed. USA swimmer Michael Phelps one eight gold medals at the games, which has never been done before. Jamaican runner Usain Bolt ran 9.69 seconds in the 100 meter dash, which absolutely crushed the old world record. Anyway, what i want to talk about is the girls Chinese gymnastics team. There have been reports that the girls on this team were not qualified to enter the Beijing Olympics because they were not of the right age, which is 16. On a website that had been published about one year ago, it said that one of the chinese girls was 14. When authorities checked her passport and birth certificate, it stated that she was 16. Weird huh. What do you think, do you think that the girls cheated or not?