
Value of reading the Canterbury Tales

Canterbury Tales is a series of stories of pilgrims going to a holy church where a saint got his head chopped off. On their way, they stop at an inn and speak with the inn keeper. To make things fun, the inn keeper proposes that they play a story game. This game was to see who had the best story, and in reward the keeper would give the winner a free meal. In the stories we never find out who one the contest because Chaucer (the author of the Canterbury Tales) dies before he could finish it.

Now, the question is, should Mr. Dye allow his students read the Canterbury Tales. My answer is, I don't know. Canterbury Tales was kind of boring to me and it was very hard to understand. I didn't really like how it had a little rhyming thing going on. The words used in the stories were very strange and I didn't know what the stories were about half the time. I would rather read stories that are easier to understand, like something that is more modern. I wish that school would require modern best seller books to be read at school, that would be very interesting. Anyway, that's aside from the point, for students next year, I think that Mr. Dye should have a more modern and exciting book to be read.

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