One thing that i don't get is why doesn't Maeser sell like coke and pepsi products at school? I thought that the teachers wanted us to be awake during class not sleeping. Besides, I'm sure that the school would get loads more money from a vending machine with Coke or Pepsi in it because students really really like coke and pepsi. And if they do put in coke and pepsi i hope that they dont put the sissy diet coke and diet pepsi.
6 件のコメント:
I talked to Mr. K about this. Apparently it's a requirement for public schools not to sell certain types of beverages.
look at my china blog and give me your thoughts.
Yeah it's to help with obesity or something. Wait, we're not a public...nevermind.
You know, I've been planning on buying a bunch of soda to sell to the school. Intersedted?
yes alex i am. get vitamin energy though cause that is the bomb. ANd get like coke and pepsi and dew and stuff lke that k!
You might want to discuss with the health teacher the health concerns associated with energy drinks. I am not an expert on the topic, but what I understand is that they have very negative effects on your body and your ability to think clearly.
There is a soda machine at the nursery next door.