
Colored shoes at school

I don't understand why it is not aloud at Maeser to have bright colored shoes. i personally dont get distracted by shoes and why would anyone else? During class i wont be staring at someone's shoes, that would be creepy. I just dont understand why this is a rule. Why must we wear boring colors like all brown or all black, grey, or white. Why cant we inlighten our day with bright happy exciting colors like flaming red, and paradise green, and ocean blue? Please comment on this. 

2 件のコメント:

Alex さんのコメント...

I know! I thought we lived in a Democracy, but all of these kavach charter schools make me feel like they're supporting communism! Shoes aren't distracting, jewelry isn't distracting, clothes aren't distracting. Whoever used that as an excuse to use communism in schools is a...yeah.

What is distarcting, is immodesty, jewelry for guys, and baggy or really sloppy clothes.

You know, we should write to congress about this so that'll change the laws so that we don't have to this kind of stuff. I wish the government was still extreme anti anything that's like communism like they were in the cold war.

Alex さんのコメント...

And why the heck is your blog in Japaneese? I don't have the gift of tongues. It took me forever to figure out where to comment at.