
Why bother with Socratic Seminar?

World History:

i think that world history is very important because it is very fun to learn about famous people and also to learn about different cultures. Another reason why world history is important is because we can look at mistakes that have been made in the past, and make sure we don't make them again. We can gain knowledge about different religious or patriotic persons.


Literature takes you back to the past or future. It can take you all the way back to the tale of Gilgamesh to the science fiction Ender's Game. Literature also helps your speech skills. I have noticed in my own speech that when i read literature that i start to say words that i wouldnt have used if i hadnt read that literature.

Language Arts:

With out language arts you wouldnt know how to read or write, then you wouldnt be able to go anywhere in this life. If you didnt know how to write or read do you think that a business would except you? 


with geography you learn about people of different cultures and where they are from on this planet. you learn where cities, towns, countries, and continents are on the globe. With out that knowledge, how would you be able to send a letter to a friend that lives in asia or who lives in australia?